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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lets rate Flickr

Well here is an image I snitched off Flickr, so credit to the Flickr world.
Here is my classroom...well after I graduate this will be what my classroom will hopefully look like. You guessed it an Industrial Technology & Design room.
Flickr was an interesting domain to use.
Challenging! The search function is fairly coarse and there seems to be need to sift through a pile of images to find one remotely likened to your search words.
Oh did i mention another account set up, another password....this one was on the other side of the fence being a yahoo based product.
There are loads of images there, perhaps todays secondary students would be more capable of using the Flickr medium far better than I. Any source of images is of use to students for information, assignments and learning.
A good source of images, today I give Flickr 6.5 stars!

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