Justin by voki

Get a Voki now!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Well I managed to create a voki. You see that handsome lad above this post!!
Was interesting to create the man. It has some errie similarities to the Nintendo Wii where you create your Mii!!! wii mii voki????
In the classroom this cyberspace creation can be useful for grabbing students attention at the introduction of a new lesson. I would love to try and create a voki that finds an attention grabbing way to illustrate the myriad of uses for logarithms (for example)!!
You could allow students to create a voki and be a part of a presentation etc.
When I work out how to put speech on a voki, and you can have a longer message, then it will widen their application by allowing the user to increase the length of the vokis presentation.
For the voki I give it a 6 out of 10. The website was a trifle confusing in its layout, limited choice of hairstyles for the ladies and my glasses need a re-frame. Let me spend a few more moments creating voki Phase II and I will review my review of the voki.
Lane out

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